[vc_row el_class=”mypost”][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”1670″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1603268220009{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]Developed By: James Bonacci (Compatible with Android 4.1 and up) [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Happy Wheels, lets you play one of the most addictive racing games on your Android mobile. This game will put your reflexes and skills to the test on each screen.

How Happy Wheels works

If you have played the browser version. It will not be difficult for you to get used to the controls of your mobile, without taking away from it any entertainment.

Each character has a specific setting, as well as a type of animation for each accident. You will undoubtedly find in the least expected moments, which is the fun of the matter.

You must bear in mind that each character’s way of moving is different. Then you must adapt it to each scenario to avoid unwanted surprises. It is unlikely that you will get there without a scratch.

Differences with the classic version

The only small differences are in the controls, which you will see on the right and left of the screen of your Android device. With the scroll arrows and the action arrows to gain momentum and grab (after jumping from the vehicle).

If what you like is editing levels you can also do it here, modifying the scenery with your hands, literally.

Replays will also be available to watch for you or your friends as long as they have an Android mobile to access the app.

Characters in Happy Wheels

There are about 9 characters in the game, each with his vehicle:

Wheelchair Guy: An old man in a wheelchair that propels himself with rockets on his back. Be careful, because gasoline and a fragile old man are not usually a good combination.

Segway guy: It may seem like one of the easiest to handle, the problem is that the Segway he drives doesn’t protect his legs much.

Irresponsible Dad: The name says it all. Accompany this father and his son on a bike while avoiding obstacles. You can let go of both father and son, but only one at the same time. Luckily the bike is quite stable, although not very good at escaping the big traps.

Effective shopper: This is a fat lady who after spending all her discount vouchers at the supermarket is on the best possible path. Perhaps one of the most complicated characters to carry due to the weight of the vehicle and the limitations of movement.

Moped Couple: An obese couple on a motorcycle, what could go wrong? Well if you go around a lot in the air you will find out.

Lawnmower Man: With a lawnmower and an obese man, who to make things more interesting will go with a shredder right underneath. If a character comes across his blades, he will rip him to bits.

Explorer Guy: You will go in a Donkey Kong mining car, with one of the fastest vehicles in the game, which means… gore insured.

Santa Claus: No introduction needed. You will go with Santa and his two elves pulling the sleigh, being able to switch between characters.

Pogostick Man: With a jumping pole he is similar to Segway guy, although he can jump higher.

Traps and special objects in Happy Wheels

Mines: Gray in color, when they come into contact with it they will propel your character into bits scattered across the screen. Better to avoid them by jumping.

Spikes: Some characters can avoid getting stuck in them if they walk straight and without making turns. It is normal for you to become a Moorish spike at the slightest contact.

Harpoons: With a single shot, if you manage to avoid them you will be safe.

Drac’s balls: They turn and turn, you will have to calculate well so as not to end up being mush if you fall in their reach.

Limpet bombs: They stick to you and after a while they explode.

Automatic crossbow: Like the harpoon but more complicated, and it shoots repeatedly.

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