[vc_row el_class=”mypost”][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”1937″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1606729057635{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”]Developed By: Alibaba Mobile (Compatible with Android 5.0 and up) [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

AliExpress is the official application of this online store, which is part of the giant Alibaba. It has everything you need to buy your items in one place from your mobile device. The application interface is divided into categories that are home, health, toys, technology, shoe store and sports. The products it offers are from the best brands, at the best price.

In addition, you get discount coupons and lightning offers on all your purchases. Also, the App is available in several languages, which makes it an international platform and accepts 8 types of currencies as a form of payment. So if you want to get the best products quickly download and AliExpress.

Make your purchases from your mobile and enjoy discounts

AliExpress is an excellent application to buy different items in Alibaba online stores. You get thousands of products of different types, which you can get from your mobile. You just have to register with a user account and review each section of the store. For registering as a new customer, you get $ 4 free.

The operation of the App is simple, all the orders you make are served by retailers who promote their items on the platform. In other words, the store does not fulfill the orders, which guarantees the prompt attention and reception of the requested item.

The store’s catalog is extensive, you get everything you can imagine. From cell phones, t-shirts, shoes, electronic devices, food, medicine and more. For every purchase, you get discount coupons sponsored by the App.

Also, each seller offers and discounts on their products apart from these. After exceeding the amount established by them, you can save and redeem them whenever you want. The App even makes international shipments without paying high commissions.

Likewise, the App has excellent filters by categories, price or place of delivery, so you can get any type of product in seconds. You can see them in lists, individually or in a grid, along with the price with a brief review. In this section, you can make your favorites list with the items you buy the most.

Apart from this, before making the purchase you can read reviews from other customers or chat in real-time with the sellers. It has a secure payment system through PayPal. If you have to make a claim after the purchase, you can make it in the section of my orders.

Another of its advantages is the possibility of earning money in the Earn Sharing section. You only have to send a link to a friend with a certain item, if you manage to buy it in your account the commission of the product will be reflected, which you can redeem later.

AliExpress Features

  • You can make purchases by category.
  • Special filters speed up your searches.
  • Option to make your wish list and favorites.
  • It allows you to track your orders in detail.
  • Shipping of the products is free up to 75%.
  • Secure online payment system.
  • It gives you the option to share your articles through networks.

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