The World of Gaming | What are Loot Boxes

Loot BoxesLoot boxes are in-game purchases that reward players with modifications and items. They can be won like a prize or they can be bought with money. They are considered a kind of microtransaction and are becoming increasingly popular.

The difference between them and other purchases in the game is that you do not know what the contents of the loot box are until you make a purchase. When you buy something else in the game, you know the content and know what to expect. On the other hand, loot boxes are something mysterious and uncertain. Also, the risk is present because your purchase can be something useful, and in the end, it may turn out to be something you did not need at all.

The “loot box” function can often be found in video games. This feature means that you can unlock special characters or equipment in a video game. In addition, it can in some ways make it easier for you to move to higher levels.

Loot boxes are currently one of the most prominent and greatest ways to generate revenue in a video game. Opinions about this function are divided. Many use it and are grateful for the opportunities it provides, while others are skeptical and distrustful. No matter how it turns out, the popularity of loot boxes is growing day by day.

How do loot boxes work?

From game to game, the way you access the loot boxes depends. Also, the capabilities that loot boxes provide differ from the type of game. In many games, they are provided free after certain tasks and goals have been completed in the game itself. One of the games that allow this is Genshin Impact. However, some games require a fee to access loot boxes.

Are loot boxes legal?

There are no legal provisions in the United States to limit loot boxes. However, many users have had problems with the law just because of loot boxes. The question of the law is often asked, so it is not bad to take into account all the information.

Electronic Arts, which earned $ 1.62 billion in the FIFA game, had problems with the law, right through loot boxes. Also, Valve, the creator of Counter-Strike, was under public attack in 2016. Namely, it was due to allowing minors to bet through loot boxes. Although loot boxes are not prohibited by law in many places, it does not mean that it is not impossible to have a problem with the law.

Many countries have decided that they do not want the distribution of loot boxes in their territories. Some of these countries are Belgium, the Netherlands, Australia and China. In Ireland, there was also the issue of the emergence of sworn determinants, but this has not yet happened.

Children and gambling

Loot boxes are very popular with the younger population. Children love to play video games, and thus to win and try all the features that the game offers, whether free or paid. Precisely because of this, many parents are extremely concerned that harmless play would not provoke a child’s urge to gamble in later life.

Just comparing loot boxes and gambling is based on a game of chance. Uncertain games that can cause a good or bad result, can be put in the same corner with a mysterious function that we will unlock only by accessing the loot box. Just as gambling can bring us profit or loss, unlocking the features offered by the loot box can be useful or useless.

Also, the risk may be in the negligence of the child, and thus the parent. Children can incur large expenses without even realizing it. They can play and get carried away in the game, so buy certain features that the game offers. They may think it’s not real money and spend it so lightly. That is why the child should be informed by the parents about what are loot boxes, as well as what their function is.

What can a parent do?

The parent has a big role in the child’s life. First of all, the parent should show interest and ask the child questions about the game he enjoys. He can pay attention to the type of game, the functions in the game, as well as the reasons why the child likes this special game.

If a parent is unfamiliar with a game, it would be ideal to research the reviews on the app and learn a little more about the game. In this way, the parent will see if the game is appropriate for the child’s age or not.

After that, the parent should explain to the child the function of loot boxes. The child should be told what they are for, but also that they are not as safe as the child may think. The child should be made aware of the fact that it is not just money in play, but real money.

A parent can also set rules on the app when it comes to shopping. The use of money can be limited and thus excessive costs can be prevented. It is never bad to pay attention and teach a child to be careful enough at all times.

Whichever way we turn it, knowledge and information are the best weapons. You need to know everything about everything, and as a parent, transfer all useful knowledge and experience to a child. It is never bad to pay attention and teach a child to be careful enough at all times.


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